“Help! My dog is growling and snapping at me!” What do we do when Fluffy becomes a ferocious beast over a toy or her bed? Then it's time for some training understanding. Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs is a very handy book for all dog owners with pets who may guard food, toys, people, territory, and have handling sensitivity. Resource guarding is a natural and normal behavior, it's a way for the animal to say, “this is mine, you can’t have it, go away!” This is a very complex behavior to change and we must be up to the task. Author Jean Donaldson is one of the leading educators to dog trainers. She takes on resource guarding systematically which enables us to effectively alter behavior. In the back of the book she offers a very clear process and step by step approach to training, outlining several types of resource guarding. The book is designed to teach professional dog trainers so it can be jargon heavy. Otherwise, it’s easy to read and if you're working with a trainer you will be better able to discuss the training process with her. I highly recommend working with an experienced trainer when dealing with resource guarding so you can have guidance and recommendations for management and training. The more we all know the better we can work together.